Young Living Product Blog

How much water should you drink daily? Plus: 5 tips for making hydration simple!

Mar 6th, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

You may have heard that drinking 64 ounces of water a day is standard, but according to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicines, you should be drinking a little more.

The adequate intake (AI) recommends around 95 ounces for women over the age of 19 and 131 ounces for men over the age of 19. When you’re figuring out how much water to drink, consider these factors:

  • Age: Children need less water, while the elderly need more.
  • Activity level: Whether you’re running a 5K or a marathon, athletes lose more water through perspiration. It’s important to refuel before, during, and after workouts.
  • Pregnancy/breastfeeding: Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should increase water consumption.
  • Climate: While you’re soaking up the sun, make sure to replenish your fluids more often.
  • Health: When you’re experiencing symptoms of illness like vomiting or fever, make sure to increase your water to stay hydrated.

When in doubt, listen to your body. Studies show that humans feel thirst before any negative effects of dehydration begin. So when you’re thirsty, drink up!

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An essential oil user’s guide to aromatherapy

Mar 4th, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils topically and aromatically for overall wellness. Essential oils are a highly concentrated, natural oil produced from botanicals such as flowers, trees, roots, and seeds. According to the Mayo Clinic, the scents from these potent, plant-based products “target smell receptors in the nose, triggering effects that pass through the nervous system to the brain.” Those effects can help your body, mind, and emotional well-being in many ways.

When using essential oils for aromatherapy, it’s important to choose pure, high-quality oils. Find out where your oils come from  and the testing they go through to make sure they meet the highest standards. You want to get the most out of every drop of essential oil during your aromatherapy practice, so do your research!

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9 Things You Never Knew About Patchouli

Mar 2nd, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

The earthy, complex nature of Patchouli essential oil makes it easy to rave about. Whether we’re using it on its own or in some of our favorite blends such as DiGize™ and Peace Calming®, Patchouli oil is versatile in its uses and benefits. Its musky scent makes it popular for use in soaps and perfumes, either used as a distinctive aroma on its own or to blend with other complementary scents.

Free spirits have been drawn to Patchouli oil’s unique aroma for a long time. If you know anyone from the Woodstock era, see if the scent brings back any fond memories, or if you know anyone from the Napoleonic era, see if they recall it fondly from their favorite perfumes. (Just kidding. If you know anyone from the Napoleonic era, they’re probably ghosts.)


There’s plenty more to know about Patchouli essential oil and its uses. These nine fun facts will give you all the Patchouli prowess you need!

1. Patchouli is part of the mint family, but it has a powerful, musky scent—meaning you probably won’t find anyone chewing Patchouli-flavored gum! Instead, it’s used topically and aromatically throughout the world.

2. Steam distillation helps us carefully extract Patchouli essential oil from the leaves of this low, bushy shrub that is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia.

3. Yogis can get some of Patchouli oil’s benefits when they integrate it into their practice. Diffusing it or applying a few drops topically beforehand can help create a calming and grounding atmosphere.

4. This complex oil contains the naturally occurring constituents patchoulol, bulnesene, and alpha-guaiene, which contribute to Patchouli essential oil’s versatility.

5. Looking to add some sultry scents to sudsing up? The deep, earthy aroma makes Patchouli oil soap incredibly popular, but to get even more Patchouli in your life, try using Patchouli oil in our DIY lotion bar recipe in place of the Lavender for an update on a classic.

6. Use it as a woodsy base note when creating a personal perfume. Patchouli oil perfume will help you stand out, without drama. Try our DIY perfume tutorial to perfect your scent!

7. Get skin that will make your friends ask what your secret is! Patchouli oil may improve the appearance of dry and dull skin, so apply 2–3 drops to your face as part of your nightly regimen for a healthy, youthful glow.

8. Patchouli essential oil can help your family wind down after a long day when you diffuse it to create a peaceful, relaxing atmosphere.

9. Enjoy the benefits of Patchouli essential oil in other Young Living products such as Magnify Your Purpose™, Abundance™, and Live with Passion™.

Now that you’re full of Patchouli power, try it with some of our other unique oils! Check out these posts for oils that are great Patchouli partners: 8 Things You Didn’t Know about Helichrysum and All About Valor!


Which Patchouli fact interested you the most?

Tell us about it in the comments!

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40 ways citrus oils can brighten your day

Feb 27th, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Constituents: limonene, linalyl acetate, linalol, gamma-terpinene, and beta-pinene

Also found in: Joy™, Progessence Plus™ Serum, and Awaken™

Fun fact: Bergamot is often used in perfumes and colognes for its diverse undertones featuring sweet, citrus, and lightly spiced notes.

What sets it apart: Bergamot essential oil  includes hints of sweet and relaxing elements that add a feminine fragrance to your diffuser blends, lotions, and everything in between.  

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Your week needs these essential oils

Feb 25th, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Begin each week with your friendly coach, Motivation™ essential oil blend. When wistful thoughts of weekend fun linger, remember that this is the time for a fresh start and new opportunity to get after your goals! Stay motivated at home, work, or wherever you may be with the empowering aroma of Ylang Ylang, Lavender, and others oils that inspire feelings of action!

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DIY aroma stones with essential oils

Feb 21st, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog


1. Combine the flour and salt in a bowl while bringing water to a boil.

2. Add the boiling water and essential oils to the flour and salt mixture. We used 20 drops of Purification® and 15 drops of Cypress for a fresh, invigorating scent. For more scent ideas, check out the “scents we love” section below.

YL tip: If you’re dying your stones, add the food coloring to the boiling water before mixing it with the dry ingredients. This will evenly distribute the color in the dough.

3. Mix together with a whisk or fork. Add essential oils.

4. When the mixture is cool to the touch, knead the dough for several minutes until it’s smooth. The substance should resemble bread dough. If the dough is crumbly, add a tablespoon of water at a time and knead until the water is fully incorporated.

5. Break off 1-2 inch pieces of dough and roll with your hands into the shape of a ball or stone. For a river rock look—as seen in the picture—dip your finger in water and smooth out the cracks.

YL tip: Use a silicone mold to shape your aroma stones for a different look.

6. Leave the stones out to dry for 48 hours or until they are completely dry.

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12 reasons Lavender is still our favorite

Feb 19th, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Since you use essential oils, you’ve probably been asked, “What do you use Lavender essential oil for?” You love this question, because the uses of Lavender essential oil are endless! You’re keen to share the wonder it adds to your relaxation before sleep, your skin, your hair, and your happiness.

We know you’re completely in love with Lavender, and we are too! Here are 12 reasons why it’s everyone’s favorite oil:

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Quiz: We’ll guess your pet peeve based on these essential oil questions

Feb 13th, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

We all have things that press our buttons and leave us gritting our teeth: maybe it’s someone cutting in line, the sound of nail biting, or the dusty feeling of chalk. Dealing with your pet peeves is an unfortunate fact of life, and we all have moments when finding a moment of zen is not just important but necessary to survive. Answer these essential oil questions, and we’ll guess your pet peeve and recommend a diffuser blend!

Let’s play!

Want to take more EO quizzes? Discover your spirit oil when you take this quiz, and test your oil knowledge by guessing the YL oil blend from these emojis.

What is your result?

Share your zen blend in the comments!

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Romance in the air: 5 blends you have to try

Feb 11th, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

We’ve all heard it before: The heart wants what it wants. Sometimes, however, the heart needs a little convincing. Whether you’re planning your 1st date or 500th, correct lighting, soft music, and someone special are the recipe for romance. Add a romantic diffuser blend to the mix and watch love spark!

Star-crossed love

As Shakespeare once said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” We’ve got Rose oil in this blend, but we’ve also added Kunzea and Sacred Sandalwood—for a sweet scent you can’t get wrong! Recite a bit from the Bard and your romantic evening will be set.


Dinner by Candlelight

This dreamy blend features Geranium, Cedarwood, Patchouli, and Orange. The floral, citrusy scents combined with warm, woodsy aromas pair well with a fancy homemade dinner, dimmed lights, and soft music.


Candy Hearts

Bring out the middle school, secret-love-note vibes with this twist on tart aroma. This romantic blend, featuring Stress Away™, Tangerine, Copaiba, and Wintergreen, gives us all the heart eyes!


Blossoming Love

Put the petal to the metal by diffusing this fresh, floral blend. Instead of giving your love a bouquet of blooms, step up your romantic game with this aromatic treat featuring Clary Sage, Lemon Myrtle, and Jasmine!


Wild at Heart

Whisking away your forever crush to a field of wildflowers is romance in overdrive. Let your love run wild by diffusing this refreshing blend that includes Joy, Melissa, Grapefruit, and Petitgrain.


YL Tip: Love these combos? Add any of these romantic blends to bath salts, your favorite unscented lotion, or massage oil so these sultry scents can stay with you!


We love our members, so we’re giving one lucky winner their own essential oil bouquet—one bottle of Rose, one bottle of Jasmine, and one bottle of Geranium.

Simply fill out the form and leave a comment with your favorite romantic blends to enter!

Giveaway rules

          • To enter, fill out the form below and leave a comment on this post.
          • Contest ends at 11:59 p.m., MT, on Tuesday, February 19.
          • One winner will be chosen at random and announced on this blog post on Wednesday, February 20.
          • Click here for official rules.




Want to extend the loving feels? Read Gary and Mary’s love story on the blog and treat yourself with nine essential oils to make you feel luxurious!

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Hello, handsome! 15 essential oils for beards (plus 3 tips)

Feb 6th, 2019 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Shutran: Young Living created Shutran essential oil blend specifically with men in mind. This masculine scent pairs well with confidence—on the field, in the office, or wherever your day takes you.

Cedarwood: Cedarwood is woodsy and a little sweet—just like you. It’s also great for conditioning skin and hair!

Cinnamon Bark: You know the scent of Cinnamon Bark: sweet, spicy, and cozy. It’s a hot oil, so start with just a few drops in your carrier oil.

Clove: Clove is also a great option for sweet spice with a warm and comforting aroma.

Eucalyptus Globulus: Eucalyptus Globulus is a brisk pick, thanks to its fresh, exhilarating aroma and cooling sensation.

Lavender: There’s no need to fear floral. Lavender has a light, calm aroma. It’s also great for revitalizing hair, cleansing and soothing skin, not to mention reducing the appearance of blemishes.

Lemon: Lemon has an energizing and uplifting scent and reduces the appearance of aging! It is a photosensitive oil, so it’s best for using on your beard at night.

Peppermint: Pep up your routine with Peppermint. The scent is a balance of sweet and herbal, and you’ll love the cooling sensation.

Pine: Pine is like carrying a bit of the forest with you, no matter where you are. It adds a fresh, woodsy twist to any blend.

Patchouli: Warm, earthy Patchouli is a common scent in colognes and other grooming products. It may also improve the appearance of dry or dull skin.

Rosemary: Rosemary helps support healthy-looking hair. It also has a fresh, invigorating aroma that pairs beautifully with any of the other oils on this list!

Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood®*: Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood has a bright aroma that smells like fresh, warm wood. Plus, it may improve the look and appearance of healthy skin.

Sage: If you’re looking for something that’s both spicy and herbal, Sage is a favorite! It’s also traditionally used for its clarifying properties.

Tea Tree: Tea Tree has a refreshing scent and is an excellent oil for skin and hair. It helps maintain healthy-looking hair and skin, plus reduces the appearance of blemishes. Basically, Tea Tree might be your skin’s best friend.

Thyme: It’s time to think of Thyme as something more than a kitchen herb. This oil has a bold, herbal scent and may improve the appearance of skin.

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