Five Secrets to Having More Energy and Vitality, Part V

Feb 24th, 2012 | Category: Young Living Product Blog

Here we are at the end of the Five Secrets for More Energy and Vitality series, where we come to the energy center of the earth element, the first chakra. I love ending with this element because it is about completion, steadiness, security, and integrity. This chakra is located at the very base of the spine and includes the sacrum, the bottom of the pelvic bowl, and the large intestine; it also correlates with the neck and the knees. (For more detailed information on the first chakra, please refer to my blog post from May 19, 2011.)

Get a read on your earth energy by looking at your life, environment, finances, and fitness level. Take an inventory of these factors and ask yourself: Is there clutter everywhere? Do you have issues with your weight, neck, or knees? When we have a lot of unfinished business, or when our psychical environment is a mess, this creates an energy leak. Our thoughts and emotions can get tied up in the past or the future, and we get away from the present moment, which is where we need our energy the most.

Make a plan to follow through on your commitments or to simply finish what you start. This will help bring you into harmony and will ultimately help you regain your leaked energy. Try doing one thing at a time, which is the opposite of multitasking.

During this phase I also advise that you commit to a cleansing program. I recommend Young Living’s ComforTone®, ICP™, Life 5™, and Detoxzyme™. These products help support healthy, regular digestion. The earth element thrives with regularity, and cleansing is a great way to have internal integrity.

Commit to a regular practice of weight-bearing exercises such as yoga, core strengthening exercises, or Pilates. This empowers your body, mind, and spirit. I personally subscribe to working out with a favorite fitness DVD. There are a many of them out there, so find one that captivates you.

In conclusion, I leave you with one of my favorite affirmations by Florence Scovel Shinn. I recite this saying when I start out my day, before I begin a class, or at the start of a healing session:

“Today is a day of completion; I give thanks for this perfect day, miracle shall follow miracle and wonders shall never cease.”

Practice this affirmation while inhaling Abundance™, Valor®, Grounding™, Gathering™, RutaVaLa™, Sacred Mountain™, cypress, or my favorite earthy essential oil, vetiver. These aromas calm your mind and help you become more deliberate with your actions, which is a sign of a balanced earth.

As always, feel free to comment on your results.


Tracy Griffiths

Tracy Griffiths is passionate about bringing Young Living Essential Oils and natural-healing principles to people all over the world. She is a registered polarity practitioner, licensed massage therapist, craniosacral unwinding therapist, and certified aromatherapy technician and instructor.

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on Friday, February 24th, 2012 at 10:44 AM and is filed under Aromatherapy, Essential Living, Essential Oils, How to Use Essential Oils.
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